Record Information
Creation date2010-04-08 22:07:09 UTC
Update date2020-09-17 15:42:24 UTC
Primary IDFDB006453
Secondary Accession Numbers
  • FDB030767
Chemical Information
FooDB NameGalactitol
DescriptionGalactitol or dulcitol is a sugar alcohol that is a metabolic breakdown product of galactose. Galactitol is an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Galactose is derived from lactose in food (such as dairy products). When lactose is broken down by the enzyme lactase it produces glucose and galactose. It is this galactose that is broken down to galactitol via a reaction catalyzed by aldose reductase. Galactitol has a slightly sweet taste. When present in sufficiently high levels, galactitol can act as a metabotoxin, a neurotoxin, and a hepatotoxin. A neurotoxin is a compound that disrupts or attacks neural cells and neural tissue. A hepatotoxin as a compound that disrupts or attacks liver tissue or liver cells. A metabotoxin is an endogenously produced metabolite that causes adverse health effects at chronically high levels. Chronically high levels of galactitol are associated with at least two inborn errors of metabolism, including galactosemia and galactosemia type II. Galactosemia is a rare genetic metabolic disorder that affects an individual's ability to metabolize the sugar galactose properly. Excess lactose consumption in individuals with galactose intolerance or galactosemia activates aldose reductase to produce galactitol, thus depleting NADPH and leading to lowered glutathione reductase activity. As a result, hydrogen peroxide or other free radicals accumulate causing serious oxidative damage to various cells and tissues. In individuals with galactosemia, the enzymes needed for the further metabolism of galactose (galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase) are severely diminished or missing entirely, leading to toxic levels of galactose 1-phosphate, galactitol, and galactonate. High levels of galactitol in infants are specifically associated with hepatomegaly (an enlarged liver), cirrhosis, renal failure, cataracts, vomiting, seizure, hypoglycemia, lethargy, brain damage, and ovarian failure. Outside of the human body, Galactitol has been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as common buckwheats, winter squash, calabash, black walnuts, and peanuts. This could make galactitol a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods.
CAS Number608-66-2
Predicted Properties
Water Solubility229 g/LALOGPS
pKa (Strongest Acidic)12.59ChemAxon
pKa (Strongest Basic)-3ChemAxon
Physiological Charge0ChemAxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count6ChemAxon
Hydrogen Donor Count6ChemAxon
Polar Surface Area121.38 ŲChemAxon
Rotatable Bond Count5ChemAxon
Refractivity38.4 m³·mol⁻¹ChemAxon
Polarizability17.25 ųChemAxon
Number of Rings0ChemAxon
Rule of FiveNoChemAxon
Ghose FilterNoChemAxon
Veber's RuleNoChemAxon
MDDR-like RuleNoChemAxon
Chemical FormulaC6H14O6
IUPAC name(2R,3S,4R,5S)-hexane-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexol
InChI IdentifierInChI=1S/C6H14O6/c7-1-3(9)5(11)6(12)4(10)2-8/h3-12H,1-2H2/t3-,4+,5+,6-
Isomeric SMILESOC[C@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@@H](O)[C@H](O)CO
Average Molecular Weight182.1718
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight182.07903818
Description Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as sugar alcohols. These are hydrogenated forms of carbohydrate in which the carbonyl group (aldehyde or ketone, reducing sugar) has been reduced to a primary or secondary hydroxyl group.
KingdomOrganic compounds
Super ClassOrganic oxygen compounds
ClassOrganooxygen compounds
Sub ClassCarbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates
Direct ParentSugar alcohols
Alternative Parents
  • Sugar alcohol
  • Monosaccharide
  • Secondary alcohol
  • Polyol
  • Hydrocarbon derivative
  • Primary alcohol
  • Alcohol
  • Aliphatic acyclic compound
Molecular FrameworkAliphatic acyclic compounds
External Descriptors
Physiological effect

Health effect:


Route of exposure:


Biological location:


Naturally occurring process:


Indirect biological role:

Biological role:

Industrial application:

Physico-Chemical Properties
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental
TypeDescriptionSplash KeyView
GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-014j-0941000000-61141f9f2ddc66e0b016Spectrum
GC-MSGalactitol, 6 TMS, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-0gb9-1983000000-0a0dafcfea843fbb3c72Spectrum
GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-014j-0941000000-61141f9f2ddc66e0b016Spectrum
GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrumsplash10-0gb9-1983000000-0a0dafcfea843fbb3c72Spectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positivesplash10-03k9-9400000000-7a0f08ea65cbca1920f5Spectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, 6 TMS, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positivesplash10-0a6s-7141193000-dcd9245e12314ee0ced4Spectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_1, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_2, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_3, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_4, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_5, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_1_6, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_1, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_2, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_3, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_4, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_5, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_6, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_7, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_8, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_9, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_10, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
Predicted GC-MSGalactitol, TMS_2_11, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, PositiveNot AvailableSpectrum
TypeDescriptionSplash KeyView
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 10V, N/A (Annotated)splash10-005a-5900000000-35da0de23de5b9170aed2012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, N/A (Annotated)splash10-0a4i-9000000000-552b84764ceb9b497a7e2012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 40V, N/A (Annotated)splash10-052f-9000000000-dfb4eef021d94d5145882012-07-24View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - QqQ 4V, negativesplash10-001i-0900000000-028ff289dc870279e2182020-07-21View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - QqQ 8V, negativesplash10-001i-1900000000-a99ee988b2a1bbab91372020-07-21View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - QqQ 12V, negativesplash10-0uyr-6900000000-04315425478b660c89472020-07-21View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - QqQ 16V, negativesplash10-0kg9-9400000000-54350b0516f39f8c9b502020-07-21View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - QqQ 20V, negativesplash10-0abi-9100000000-b4cf2b00830b765d5dcb2020-07-21View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0089-9000000000-20463a683f8ab7aa9e4d2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0a4i-9000000000-5c4795e954d5c3e9b74e2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0udi-0900000000-43b7e571c1185de1e99b2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-00di-9000000000-160eaf7ef39d088537382020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0udi-3900000000-3114e2bfe0cdbc68be192020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-000j-9000000000-635a869063bea88c00912020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0uk9-3900000000-2ecc694b3a9844ec3ee52020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 3V, negativesplash10-03di-0900000000-61d17fd37e0e3ac16e372020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 4V, negativesplash10-03di-1900000000-90b308bca6baee5ab0182020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 5V, negativesplash10-0ik9-2900000000-eb87481835668a3b0d3d2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 6V, negativesplash10-0w29-5900000000-a78bc11bf7d88c2b913e2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 7V, negativesplash10-0udi-8900000000-0ae9e05f3f4517635bba2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 9V, negativesplash10-0zmi-9500000000-4156ee30d358f68b25902020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-0udi-3900000000-0370fdfaee1df82b525d2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-05fr-9000000000-9699f16da2c5fbaef32d2020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - n/a 12V, negativesplash10-000j-9000000000-0a119385f247c8ed7ae42020-07-22View Spectrum
MS/MSLC-MS/MS Spectrum - Orbitrap 2V, negativesplash10-014i-0490000000-403aabe62ebe0fa60ab32020-07-22View Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 125 MHz, H2O, experimental)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, D2O, predicted)Spectrum
1D NMR13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, experimental)Spectrum
2D NMR[1H, 13C]-HSQC NMR Spectrum (2D, 600 MHz, H2O, experimental)Spectrum
ChemSpider ID11357
KEGG Compound IDC01697
Pubchem Compound ID11850
Pubchem Substance IDNot Available
ChEBI IDNot Available
Phenol-Explorer IDNot Available
DrugBank IDNot Available
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) IDBVW44-V:BVW44-V
EAFUS IDNot Available
BIGG ID38183
KNApSAcK IDC00001160
HET IDNot Available
Food Biomarker OntologyNot Available
VMH IDNot Available
Flavornet IDNot Available
GoodScent IDNot Available
SuperScent IDNot Available
Wikipedia IDGalactitol
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite IDNot Available
Duplicate IDSNot Available
Old DFC IDSNot Available
Associated Foods
FoodContent Range AverageReference
Biological Effects and Interactions
Health Effects / BioactivitiesNot Available
EnzymesNot Available
MetabolismNot Available
BiosynthesisNot Available
Organoleptic Properties
FlavoursNot Available
MSDSNot Available
Synthesis ReferenceNot Available
General ReferenceNot Available
Content Reference— Duke, James. 'Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases. United States Department of Agriculture.' Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004).