Record Information |
Version | 1.0 |
Creation date | 2010-04-08 22:10:04 UTC |
Update date | 2019-11-26 03:06:27 UTC |
Primary ID | FDB012242 |
Secondary Accession Numbers | Not Available |
Chemical Information |
FooDB Name | Glyceric acid |
Description | A colorless syrupy acid, obtained from oxidation of glycerol. It is a compound that is secreted excessively in the urine by patients suffering from D-glyceric aciduria and D-glycerate anemia. Deficiency of human glycerate kinase leads to D-glycerate acidemia/D-glyceric aciduria. Symptoms of the disease include progressive neurological impairment, hypotonia, seizures, failure to thrive and metabolic acidosis.; Glyceric acid is a natural three-carbon sugar acid. Salts and esters of glyceric acid are known as glycerates. Glyceric acid is found in many foods, some of which are peanut, common grape, garden tomato (variety), and french plantain. |
CAS Number | 473-81-4 |
Structure | |
Synonyms | |
Predicted Properties | |
Chemical Formula | C3H6O4 |
IUPAC name | 2,3-dihydroxypropanoic acid |
InChI Identifier | InChI=1S/C3H6O4/c4-1-2(5)3(6)7/h2,4-5H,1H2,(H,6,7) |
Isomeric SMILES | OCC(O)C(O)=O |
Average Molecular Weight | 106.0773 |
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight | 106.02660868 |
Classification |
Description | Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as sugar acids and derivatives. Sugar acids and derivatives are compounds containing a saccharide unit which bears a carboxylic acid group. |
Kingdom | Organic compounds |
Super Class | Organic oxygen compounds |
Class | Organooxygen compounds |
Sub Class | Carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates |
Direct Parent | Sugar acids and derivatives |
Alternative Parents | |
Substituents | - Beta-hydroxy acid
- Glyceric_acid
- Sugar acid
- Alpha-hydroxy acid
- Hydroxy acid
- Monosaccharide
- 1,2-diol
- Secondary alcohol
- Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives
- Carboxylic acid
- Carboxylic acid derivative
- Alcohol
- Carbonyl group
- Organic oxide
- Primary alcohol
- Hydrocarbon derivative
- Aliphatic acyclic compound
Molecular Framework | Aliphatic acyclic compounds |
External Descriptors | |
Ontology |
Ontology | No ontology term |
Physico-Chemical Properties |
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental | |
Spectra |
Spectra | |
EI-MS/GC-MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
GC-MS | D-Glyceric acid, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-0f7k-0900000000-a5283174541ea12bd7d2 | Spectrum | GC-MS | D-Glyceric acid, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-0f7k-0900000000-a5283174541ea12bd7d2 | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | D-Glyceric acid, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | splash10-01po-9000000000-e74d8dcadd449f32f28f | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | D-Glyceric acid, 3 TMS, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | splash10-0avr-9362000000-4ae43a853db514e46cc7 | Spectrum |
MS/MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QTOF , negative | splash10-0a4i-1900000000-22ff79960e14b930f91a | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - , negative | splash10-0a4i-8900000000-a99aee1ef5fa454ad555 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - , negative | splash10-0a4i-8900000000-475169373848d2b5c1b2 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-0a4r-9600000000-6c887f0d5bb5b5b43e47 | 2016-06-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-01p9-9100000000-4dcb939c91e313be7889 | 2016-06-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-0006-9000000000-0ddbae5fe95cd5c2cc3a | 2016-06-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-0a4i-7900000000-483a2fcbaa1f9e4282f8 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-0a4i-9200000000-c37acde4cab84c418b98 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-0a4l-9000000000-c2110468981b90e60c2b | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum |
NMR | Not Available |
External Links |
ChemSpider ID | 388334 |
ChEMBL ID | Not Available |
KEGG Compound ID | C00258 |
Pubchem Compound ID | 439194 |
Pubchem Substance ID | Not Available |
ChEBI ID | 16659 |
Phenol-Explorer ID | Not Available |
DrugBank ID | Not Available |
HMDB ID | HMDB00139 |
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) ID | HFH46-G:HFH46-G |
EAFUS ID | Not Available |
BIGG ID | 34424 |
KNApSAcK ID | C00001185 |
Food Biomarker Ontology | Not Available |
VMH ID | Not Available |
Flavornet ID | Not Available |
GoodScent ID | Not Available |
SuperScent ID | Not Available |
Wikipedia ID | Glyceric acid |
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite ID | Not Available |
Duplicate IDS | Not Available |
Old DFC IDS | Not Available |
Associated Foods |
Biological Effects and Interactions |
Health Effects / Bioactivities | |
Enzymes | |
Pathways | |
Metabolism | Not Available |
Biosynthesis | Not Available |
Organoleptic Properties |
Flavours | Not Available |
Files |
MSDS | show |
References |
Synthesis Reference | Not Available |
General Reference | Not Available |
Content Reference | — Duke, James. 'Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases. United States Department of Agriculture.' Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004).