Record Information |
Version | 1.0 |
Creation date | 2011-09-21 00:05:00 UTC |
Update date | 2015-10-09 22:33:40 UTC |
Primary ID | FDB021910 |
Secondary Accession Numbers | Not Available |
Chemical Information |
FooDB Name | L-Palmitoylcarnitine |
Description | L-Palmitoylcarnitine is a long-chain acyl fatty acid derivative ester of carnitine which facilitates the transfer of long-chain fatty acids from cytoplasm into mitochondria during the oxidation of fatty acids. L-palmitoylcarnitine, due to its amphipatic character is, like detergents, a surface-active molecule and by changing the membrane fluidity and surface charge can change activity of several enzymes and transporters localized in the membrane. L-palmitoylcarnitine has been also reported to change the activity of certain proteins. On the contrary to carnitine, palmitoylcarnitine was shown to stimulate the activity of caspases 3, 7 and 8 and the level of this long-chain acylcarnitine increased during apoptosis. Palmitoylcarnitine was also reported to diminish completely binding of phorbol esters, the protein kinase C activators and to decrease the autophosphorylation of the enzyme. Apart from these isoform nonspecific phenomena, palmitoylcarnitine was also shown to be responsible for retardation in cytoplasm of protein kinase C isoforms β and δ and, in the case of the latter one, to decrease its interaction with GAP-43.
Some of the physico-chemical properties of palmitoylcarnitine may help to explain the need for coenzyme A-carnitine-coenzyme A acyl exchange during mitochondrial fatty acid import. The amphiphilic character of palmitoylcarnitine may also explain its proposed involvement in the pathogenesis of myocardial ischemia.
L-Palmitoylcarnitine accumulates in ischemic myocardium and potentially contribute to myocardial damage through alterations in membrane molecular dynamics , one mechanism through which could play an important role in ischemic injury. Palmitoylcarnitine is characteristically elevated in carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency, late-onset (OMIM 255110). (PMID 2540838, 15363641, 8706815) [HMDB] |
CAS Number | 2364-67-2 |
Structure | |
Synonyms | |
Predicted Properties | |
Chemical Formula | C23H45NO4 |
IUPAC name | (3R)-3-(hexadecanoyloxy)-4-(trimethylazaniumyl)butanoate |
InChI Identifier | InChI=1S/C23H45NO4/c1-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-23(27)28-21(19-22(25)26)20-24(2,3)4/h21H,5-20H2,1-4H3/t21-/m1/s1 |
Average Molecular Weight | 399.6077 |
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight | 399.334858933 |
Classification |
Description | Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as acyl carnitines. These are organic compounds containing a fatty acid with the carboxylic acid attached to carnitine through an ester bond. |
Kingdom | Organic compounds |
Super Class | Lipids and lipid-like molecules |
Class | Fatty Acyls |
Sub Class | Fatty acid esters |
Direct Parent | Acyl carnitines |
Alternative Parents | |
Substituents | - Acyl-carnitine
- Dicarboxylic acid or derivatives
- Tetraalkylammonium salt
- Quaternary ammonium salt
- Carboxylic acid ester
- Carboxylic acid salt
- Carboxylic acid derivative
- Carboxylic acid
- Organic nitrogen compound
- Organooxygen compound
- Organonitrogen compound
- Organic salt
- Hydrocarbon derivative
- Organic oxide
- Organopnictogen compound
- Organic oxygen compound
- Carbonyl group
- Amine
- Aliphatic acyclic compound
Molecular Framework | Aliphatic acyclic compounds |
External Descriptors | |
Ontology |
Physiological effect | Health effect: |
Disposition | Route of exposure: Source: Biological location: |
Process | Naturally occurring process: |
Role | Biological role: Industrial application: |
Physico-Chemical Properties |
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental | |
Spectra |
Spectra | |
EI-MS/GC-MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
Predicted GC-MS | L-Palmitoylcarnitine, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | splash10-00di-9220000000-890219021b84f6894540 | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | L-Palmitoylcarnitine, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | L-Palmitoylcarnitine, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | L-Palmitoylcarnitine, TMS_1_1, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | L-Palmitoylcarnitine, TBDMS_1_1, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum |
MS/MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 10V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-0udi-1000900000-109f35c9819eb5eed7b7 | 2012-07-24 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-000i-9000000000-9d6bb14eddb4cfa8341a | 2012-07-24 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 40V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-000i-9000000000-87b1d0debe4e0cb7bd31 | 2012-07-24 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , negative | splash10-014i-0139500000-21c36c851939b94d4523 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , negative | splash10-014i-0029600000-69ebe292c2ce42c8d810 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , positive | splash10-0f6x-0139600000-197944fd1aa4ac44bdd2 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , positive | splash10-0uxr-0000613900-006582b143e5906e51cc | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , positive | splash10-0uxr-0000614900-14a5d773f652b71671fb | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Linear Ion Trap , positive | splash10-0f6x-0139600000-b0528be9c13e412551af | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-0udi-0000900000-b54b0a7f2164f15f15f2 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-0f79-9000500000-d7434e08a3e0942fa2e9 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-000i-9000000000-e9262cbaff8cb4ad0ba6 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum |
NMR | Type | Description | | View |
1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, experimental) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 2D NMR | [1H, 13C]-HSQC NMR Spectrum (2D, 600 MHz, CD3OD, experimental) | | Spectrum |
External Links |
ChemSpider ID | 10128117 |
ChEMBL ID | Not Available |
KEGG Compound ID | C02990 |
Pubchem Compound ID | 11953816 |
Pubchem Substance ID | Not Available |
ChEBI ID | 17490 |
Phenol-Explorer ID | Not Available |
DrugBank ID | Not Available |
HMDB ID | HMDB00222 |
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) ID | Not Available |
EAFUS ID | Not Available |
Dr. Duke ID | Not Available |
BIGG ID | 40966 |
KNApSAcK ID | Not Available |
HET ID | Not Available |
Food Biomarker Ontology | Not Available |
VMH ID | Not Available |
Flavornet ID | Not Available |
GoodScent ID | Not Available |
SuperScent ID | Not Available |
Wikipedia ID | Not Available |
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite ID | Not Available |
Duplicate IDS | Not Available |
Old DFC IDS | Not Available |
Associated Foods |
Biological Effects and Interactions |
Health Effects / Bioactivities | Not Available |
Enzymes | |
Pathways | |
Metabolism | Not Available |
Biosynthesis | Not Available |
Organoleptic Properties |
Flavours | Not Available |
Files |
MSDS | Not Available |
References |
Synthesis Reference | Not Available |
General Reference | Not Available |
Content Reference | |