Record Information
Creation date2011-09-21 01:46:42 UTC
Update date2020-09-17 15:39:42 UTC
Primary IDFDB028881
Secondary Accession NumbersNot Available
Chemical Information
FooDB NameIodide
DescriptionIodide, also known as iodide ion or iodide salt, belongs to the class of inorganic compounds known as homogeneous halogens. These are inorganic non-metallic compounds in which the largest atom is a nobel gas. In fact, iodides are greatly present and available in the sea, where algal phytoplankton, the basis of marine food-chain, acts as a biological accumulator of iodides, selenium, (and n-3 fatty acids) :; Antioxidant biochemical mechanism of iodides, probably one of the most ancient mechanisms of defense from poisonous reactive oxygen species:; An Iodide is an iodine atom with a -1 charge. The chemical test for an iodide compound is to acidify the aqueous compound by adding some drops of acid, to dispel any carbonate ions present, then adding lead(II) nitrate, yielding a bright yellow precipitate of lead iodide. Iodide can function as an antioxidant as it is a reducing species that can detoxify reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide. Iodide is an extremely strong acidic compound (based on its pKa). Iodide exists in all living organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. Algae that contain the highest amount of iodine (1-3 % of dry weight) and peroxidase enzymes, were the first living cells to produce poisonous oxygen in the atmosphere. Aqueous solutions of iodide dissolve iodine better than pure water due to the formation of complex ions:. iodide can be converted into iodide; which is catalyzed by the enzyme sodium/iodide cotransporter. In humans, iodide is involved in thyroid hormone synthesis. Outside of the human body, Iodide has been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as lupines, strawberries, moth beans, asian pears, and swedes. This could make iodide a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state -1 are called iodides. Most ionic iodides are soluble, with the exception of yellow silver iodide and yellow lead iodide. Over three billion years ago, blue-green algae were the most primitive oxygenic photosynthetic organisms and are the ancestors of multicellular eukaryotic algae (1).
CAS Number20461-54-5
Predicted Properties
pKa (Strongest Acidic)-9ChemAxon
Physiological Charge-1ChemAxon
Hydrogen Acceptor Count0ChemAxon
Hydrogen Donor Count0ChemAxon
Polar Surface Area0 ŲChemAxon
Rotatable Bond Count0ChemAxon
Refractivity13.95 m³·mol⁻¹ChemAxon
Polarizability5.07 ųChemAxon
Number of Rings0ChemAxon
Rule of FiveYesChemAxon
Ghose FilterNoChemAxon
Veber's RuleYesChemAxon
MDDR-like RuleNoChemAxon
Chemical FormulaI
IUPAC nameiodide
InChI IdentifierInChI=1S/HI/h1H/p-1
Isomeric SMILES[I-]
Average Molecular Weight126.9045
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight126.90446842
Description Belongs to the class of inorganic compounds known as homogeneous halogens. These are inorganic non-metallic compounds in which the largest atom is a nobel gas.
KingdomInorganic compounds
Super ClassHomogeneous non-metal compounds
ClassHomogeneous halogens
Sub ClassNot Available
Direct ParentHomogeneous halogens
Alternative ParentsNot Available
  • Homogeneous halogen
Molecular FrameworkNot Available
External Descriptors

Route of exposure:

Biological location:



Industrial application:

Physico-Chemical Properties
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental
EI-MS/GC-MSNot Available
TypeDescriptionSplash KeyView
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positivesplash10-004i-0900000000-6dd6bb8e07c4fae8055b2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positivesplash10-004i-0900000000-6dd6bb8e07c4fae8055b2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positivesplash10-004i-0900000000-6dd6bb8e07c4fae8055b2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-004a30645c893513e9ed2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-004a30645c893513e9ed2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-004a30645c893513e9ed2016-08-03View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-0dba40d354fa6a5575e02021-09-23View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-0dba40d354fa6a5575e02021-09-23View Spectrum
Predicted MS/MSPredicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negativesplash10-004i-0900000000-0dba40d354fa6a5575e02021-09-23View Spectrum
NMRNot Available
ChemSpider ID28015
KEGG Compound IDC00708
Pubchem Compound ID30165
Pubchem Substance IDNot Available
ChEBI ID16382
Phenol-Explorer IDNot Available
DrugBank IDNot Available
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) IDNot Available
EAFUS IDNot Available
Dr. Duke IDNot Available
BIGG ID35753
KNApSAcK IDNot Available
Food Biomarker OntologyNot Available
VMH IDNot Available
Flavornet IDNot Available
GoodScent IDNot Available
SuperScent IDNot Available
Wikipedia IDNot Available
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite IDNot Available
Duplicate IDSNot Available
Old DFC IDSNot Available
Associated Foods
FoodContent Range AverageReference
Biological Effects and Interactions
Health Effects / BioactivitiesNot Available
PathwaysNot Available
MetabolismNot Available
BiosynthesisNot Available
Organoleptic Properties
FlavoursNot Available
Synthesis ReferenceNot Available
General ReferenceNot Available
Content Reference