Record Information |
Version | 1.0 |
Creation date | 2010-04-08 22:04:55 UTC |
Update date | 2019-11-26 02:56:20 UTC |
Primary ID | FDB001327 |
Secondary Accession Numbers | Not Available |
Chemical Information |
FooDB Name | Isopentyl isopentanoate |
Description | Isopentyl isopentanoate belongs to the class of organic compounds known as fatty acid esters. These are carboxylic ester derivatives of a fatty acid. Based on a literature review a significant number of articles have been published on Isopentyl isopentanoate. |
CAS Number | 659-70-1 |
Structure | |
Synonyms | |
Predicted Properties | |
Chemical Formula | C10H20O2 |
IUPAC name | 3-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate |
InChI Identifier | InChI=1S/C10H20O2/c1-8(2)5-6-12-10(11)7-9(3)4/h8-9H,5-7H2,1-4H3 |
Isomeric SMILES | CC(C)CCOC(=O)CC(C)C |
Average Molecular Weight | 172.2646 |
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight | 172.146329884 |
Classification |
Description | Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as fatty acid esters. These are carboxylic ester derivatives of a fatty acid. |
Kingdom | Organic compounds |
Super Class | Lipids and lipid-like molecules |
Class | Fatty Acyls |
Sub Class | Fatty acid esters |
Direct Parent | Fatty acid esters |
Alternative Parents | |
Substituents | - Fatty acid ester
- Carboxylic acid ester
- Monocarboxylic acid or derivatives
- Carboxylic acid derivative
- Organic oxygen compound
- Organic oxide
- Hydrocarbon derivative
- Organooxygen compound
- Carbonyl group
- Aliphatic acyclic compound
Molecular Framework | Aliphatic acyclic compounds |
External Descriptors | |
Ontology |
Disposition | Route of exposure: Source: Biological location: |
Process | Naturally occurring process: |
Role | Biological role: Industrial application: |
Physico-Chemical Properties |
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental | |
Spectra |
Spectra | |
EI-MS/GC-MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
EI-MS | Mass Spectrum (Electron Ionization) | splash10-00dl-9000000000-7fd51ed37d362ffdad27 | 2015-03-01 | View Spectrum | GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-00dl-9000000000-85cd3d65446dc9af8115 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-05fu-9000000000-2a19de7644662f7b1eb3 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-00dl-9000000000-85cd3d65446dc9af8115 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-05fu-9000000000-2a19de7644662f7b1eb3 | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | splash10-0006-9200000000-e77844544f858ff2970e | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Isopentyl isopentanoate, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum |
MS/MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-00di-6900000000-5e893155c04acdbd44b5 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-00di-9100000000-7a142ffa7df10eb190b1 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-0abc-9000000000-2263caba0aae6000ab6a | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-00e9-7900000000-62a2de36f13945cf6698 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-0ue9-9600000000-ee2ea0da51bfd61361a1 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-0a59-9100000000-c65e37ddcd0b1503c88e | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-00dr-9300000000-791be8c812fdc65ef64d | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-000l-9000000000-8b4ea5b9e875de9ec522 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-052f-9000000000-5202fbc709cf8d1365a3 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-00di-1900000000-30e7ef93fc48bb2af353 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-0feb-9500000000-eff626732f3546eb0f4a | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-001i-9000000000-cb85a887003656158795 | 2021-09-24 | View Spectrum |
NMR | Type | Description | | View |
1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 90 MHz, CDCl3, experimental) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 15.09 MHz, CDCl3, experimental) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 100 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 1000 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 200 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 300 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 400 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 500 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 600 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 700 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 800 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum (1D, 900 MHz, H2O, predicted) | | Spectrum |
External Links |
ChemSpider ID | 12093 |
ChEMBL ID | CHEMBL3189076 |
KEGG Compound ID | C12289 |
Pubchem Compound ID | 12613 |
Pubchem Substance ID | Not Available |
ChEBI ID | Not Available |
Phenol-Explorer ID | Not Available |
DrugBank ID | Not Available |
HMDB ID | HMDB30029 |
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) ID | BZM14-Q:BZM17-T |
EAFUS ID | 1835 |
BIGG ID | Not Available |
KNApSAcK ID | Not Available |
HET ID | Not Available |
Food Biomarker Ontology | Not Available |
VMH ID | Not Available |
Flavornet ID | Not Available |
GoodScent ID | rw1003561 |
SuperScent ID | 12613 |
Wikipedia ID | Not Available |
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite ID | Not Available |
Duplicate IDS | Not Available |
Old DFC IDS | Not Available |
Associated Foods |
Biological Effects and Interactions |
Health Effects / Bioactivities | Not Available |
Enzymes | Not Available |
Pathways | Not Available |
Metabolism | Not Available |
Biosynthesis | Not Available |
Organoleptic Properties |
Flavours | |
Files |
MSDS | Not Available |
References |
Synthesis Reference | Not Available |
General Reference | Not Available |
Content Reference | — Duke, James. 'Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases. United States Department of Agriculture.' Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004).