Showing Compound - Food Association
Ontology | |
Compound ID | FDB003681 |
Food ID | 5 |
Compound Name | S-(2-Carboxypropyl)-glutathione |
Food Name (Common) | Allium |
Food Name (Scientific) | Allium |
Original data | |
Compound ID | William M. Randle. Quantifying Onion Flavor Compounds Responding to Sulfur Fertility-Sulfur Increases Levels of Alk(en)yl Cysteine Sulfoxides and Biosynthetic Intermediates. J. AM E R. SO C. HORT. SCI. 120(6):1075-1081. 1995 () |
Food ID | William M. Randle. Quantifying Onion Flavor Compounds Responding to Sulfur Fertility-Sulfur Increases Levels of Alk(en)yl Cysteine Sulfoxides and Biosynthetic Intermediates. J. AM E R. SO C. HORT. SCI. 120(6):1075-1081. 1995 () |
Compound Original Name | Not Available |
Food Original Name (Common) | Onion |
Food Original Name (Scientific) | Not Available |
Food part | Not Available |
Content value | Not Available |
Min value | Not Available |
Max value | Not Available |
Unit | Not Available |
Unit expression | Not Available |
Analytical method | Not Available |
Internal citations | Not Available |
References | |
Citation type | ARTICLE |
Citation | William M. Randle. Quantifying Onion Flavor Compounds Responding to Sulfur Fertility-Sulfur Increases Levels of Alk(en)yl Cysteine Sulfoxides and Biosynthetic Intermediates. J. AM E R. SO C. HORT. SCI. 120(6):1075-1081. 1995 |