Showing Compound - Food Association
Ontology | |
Compound ID | FDB002943 |
Food ID | 638 |
Compound Name | Gamolenic acid |
Food Name (Common) | Bean |
Food Name (Scientific) | |
Original data | |
Compound ID | USDA (685) |
Food ID | USDA (16011) |
Compound Original Name | 18:3 n-6 c,c,c |
Food Original Name (Common) | Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce |
Food Original Name (Scientific) | Not Available |
Food part | Not Available |
Content value | 0.00 |
Min value | Not Available |
Max value | Not Available |
Unit | mg/100 g |
Unit expression | Not Available |
Analytical method | Not Available |
Internal citations | Not Available |
References | |
Citation type | DATABASE |
Citation | USDA |