Record Information |
Version | 1.0 |
Creation date | 2010-04-08 22:08:08 UTC |
Update date | 2020-09-17 15:31:40 UTC |
Primary ID | FDB008548 |
Secondary Accession Numbers | Not Available |
Chemical Information |
FooDB Name | Methyleugenol |
Description | Methyleugenol, also known as 4-allylveratrole, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as dimethoxybenzenes. These are organic aromatic compounds containing a monocyclic benzene moiety carrying two methoxy groups. Methyleugenol is a sweet, anise, and apricot tasting compound. Outside of the human body, Methyleugenol is found in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as allspices, tarragons, and sweet bay and in a lower concentration in sweet basils, rosemaries, and hyssops. Methyleugenol has also been detected, but not quantified, in several different foods, such as soybeans, evergreen blackberries, muskmelons, citrus, and pomes. As of October 2018, the US FDA withdrew authorization for the use of methyl eugenol as a synthetic flavoring substance for use in food because petitioners provided data demonstrating that these additives induce cancer in laboratory animals. FDA noted the action was despite its continuing stance that this substance does not pose a risk to public health under the conditions of its intended use. Methyleugenol is formally rated as a possible carcinogen (by IARC 2B) and is also a potentially toxic compound. Methyl eugenol is a natural chemical compound classified as a phenylpropene, a type of phenylpropanoid. It is the methyl ether of eugenol and it is important in the plant-insect interaction and pollination. Their ability to attract insects, particularly Bactrocera fruit flies was first noticed in 1915 by F. M. Howlett. The compound may have evolved in response to pathogens, as methyl eugenol has some antifungal activity. Methyl eugenol has been identified in a number of plants (over 450 species from 80 families including both angiosperm and gymnosperm families) and has a role in attracting pollinators. About 350 plant species have them as a component of floral fragrance. |
CAS Number | 93-15-2 |
Structure | |
Synonyms | |
Predicted Properties | |
Chemical Formula | C11H14O2 |
IUPAC name | 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(prop-2-en-1-yl)benzene |
InChI Identifier | InChI=1S/C11H14O2/c1-4-5-9-6-7-10(12-2)11(8-9)13-3/h4,6-8H,1,5H2,2-3H3 |
Isomeric SMILES | COC1=C(OC)C=C(CC=C)C=C1 |
Average Molecular Weight | 178.2277 |
Monoisotopic Molecular Weight | 178.099379692 |
Classification |
Description | Belongs to the class of organic compounds known as dimethoxybenzenes. These are organic aromatic compounds containing a monocyclic benzene moiety carrying exactly two methoxy groups. |
Kingdom | Organic compounds |
Super Class | Benzenoids |
Class | Benzene and substituted derivatives |
Sub Class | Methoxybenzenes |
Direct Parent | Dimethoxybenzenes |
Alternative Parents | |
Substituents | - O-dimethoxybenzene
- Dimethoxybenzene
- Phenoxy compound
- Phenol ether
- Anisole
- Alkyl aryl ether
- Ether
- Organic oxygen compound
- Hydrocarbon derivative
- Organooxygen compound
- Aromatic homomonocyclic compound
Molecular Framework | Aromatic homomonocyclic compounds |
External Descriptors | |
Ontology |
Disposition | Route of exposure: Biological location: Source: |
Role | Industrial application: |
Physico-Chemical Properties |
Physico-Chemical Properties - Experimental | |
Spectra |
Spectra | |
EI-MS/GC-MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
EI-MS | Mass Spectrum (Electron Ionization) | splash10-004i-3900000000-6a0a17f77c5384cea66f | 2014-09-20 | View Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-24e258249ebb81a10db8 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-001i-6900000000-7eab85ab8f89486d0c67 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-511a7254b57b1693d125 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-6e7986f7be4dcc512bf5 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-001l-6900000000-0b489e050538331d3090 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-24e258249ebb81a10db8 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-001i-6900000000-7eab85ab8f89486d0c67 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-511a7254b57b1693d125 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-004i-6900000000-6e7986f7be4dcc512bf5 | Spectrum | GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, GC-MS Spectrum | splash10-001l-6900000000-0b489e050538331d3090 | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | splash10-03g0-1900000000-ef346d457b34fcee14be | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum | Predicted GC-MS | Methyleugenol, non-derivatized, Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | Spectrum |
MS/MS | Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-qTof , Positive | splash10-0006-0900000000-d41423501ff6a0caec1e | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - , positive | splash10-006t-1910000000-c6bd5f4739dc2d3b4f99 | 2017-09-14 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-004i-0900000000-5bcc530b76def442eca8 | 2016-08-01 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-004i-1900000000-7363ea03a8cd36e7f50a | 2016-08-01 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-0f6x-9600000000-8efff378856493d57d48 | 2016-08-01 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-004i-0900000000-248b8d584ce0c311ffc0 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-004i-0900000000-8e61ac867ff1e4b6bdd8 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-07cr-4900000000-e8817397f71772abc175 | 2016-08-03 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-004i-0900000000-583273c8100f9e55b4bd | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-004j-0900000000-2884ce971c57cbd816d5 | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-02u9-9800000000-4811899c7b2ebb02f836 | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-004i-0900000000-98bc20876c03ad8e0e92 | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-0ufr-0900000000-ba7858c7a47bbfdf0ab3 | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum | Predicted MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-004i-9400000000-86967ab180df17622b53 | 2021-09-22 | View Spectrum |
NMR | Type | Description | | View |
1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum (1D, 25.16 MHz, CDCl3, experimental) | | Spectrum |
External Links |
ChemSpider ID | 21106140 |
ChEMBL ID | Not Available |
KEGG Compound ID | C10454 |
Pubchem Compound ID | 7127 |
Pubchem Substance ID | Not Available |
ChEBI ID | 4918 |
Phenol-Explorer ID | Not Available |
DrugBank ID | Not Available |
HMDB ID | HMDB31864 |
CRC / DFC (Dictionary of Food Compounds) ID | HGZ80-F:DNB75-W |
EAFUS ID | 1331 |
BIGG ID | Not Available |
KNApSAcK ID | C00002741 |
HET ID | Not Available |
Food Biomarker Ontology | Not Available |
VMH ID | Not Available |
Flavornet ID | 93-15-2 |
GoodScent ID | rw1008291 |
SuperScent ID | 7127 |
Wikipedia ID | Not Available |
Phenol-Explorer Metabolite ID | Not Available |
Duplicate IDS | Not Available |
Old DFC IDS | Not Available |
Associated Foods |
Biological Effects and Interactions |
Health Effects / Bioactivities | |
Enzymes | Not Available |
Pathways | Not Available |
Metabolism | Not Available |
Biosynthesis | Not Available |
Organoleptic Properties |
Flavours | |
Files |
MSDS | Not Available |
References |
Synthesis Reference | Not Available |
General Reference | Not Available |
Content Reference | — Duke, James. 'Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases. United States Department of Agriculture.' Agricultural Research Service, Accessed April 27 (2004). — Shinbo, Y., et al. 'KNApSAcK: a comprehensive species-metabolite relationship database.' Plant Metabolomics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. 165-181.